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Q's and A's

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 10:21 am
by Obvious
QUESTION: @ July 27th, 2007 10:18 AM

I'm trying to figure out a way to maximize my efforts in this game and at the same time stay within the rules because I don't want any of my friends or myself to be banned for something that we thought should be ok, that was not ok by the Admins.

What I want to do is this. I've spent some $$ getting items and such for the game to help advance myself faster then normal. I'm currently almost at the 1.75 billion dollar cap (which I think is the cap since everyone in the forums seems to say so) and I'm about ready to hit my max interest of about 65 million a day. The thing is that I've heard when you hit your cap, even by a dollar, you don't get paid interest. Since this is true I plan on dumping what I can into my guild vault via cash and items. What I'm curious about though is can my friends take that money I donated and put it in their bank so that it can help them and they can collect interest, or does it have to stay in the bank?

Now, if that's ok, what about them sending it back to me so that I can purchase my Caribbean Chain? They are all different people playing the game and I'm not playing their accounts, I'm just wondering if doing this transfer to maximize earned interest is considered cheating, or just good economics?

If the transfers between friends is not ok, then what if I put my 65 mil into the guild vault, that does not receive interest, as a holding tank until I can afford my Caribbean Chain, then take it out to fund that?

I'm really REALLY hoping that the first is ok so long as they are different people and I'm not multi accounting because having all my friends watch 65 mil added a day will be a temptation. :P

If that really is the way it has to be though, I'll work something out.

Final question, if 4 of us in the gang finally hit the 1.75 billion cap and we're all making 65 mil a day on interest, are we allowed to transfer that to a friend that does not have that amount until they reach that amount?

I'm pretty much trying to figure out what happens when you hit the ceiling on what you can spend your funds on. I'm hoping that it's not only consumables.

Any who, thanks for your time and response in advance and once again thanks for a great fun game! It's been fun and we've all been RPing. Arr!

ANSWER: @ July 27th, 2007 10:34 AM
Captain Skeet said:
Transfering money to bypass the interest cap in ANY form is abusing the rules, and we won't tolerate it. Thanks for asking in advance :)

QUESTION: @ July 27th, 2007 10:47 AM
Ok, so bypassing the interest gap is not tolerated, I can totally understand that. What I am curious about is placing the funds in the guild bank for later use. From what I've seen the guild banks do not collect interest, so that does not break your interest system, but it does allow me to save up a large sum that I can use later. Is this allowed?

Also, when you hit the 1.75 billion cap, do you completely lose all interest that isn't spent, or do you only gain the maximum capped interest?

I'm curious only because I'm trying to figure out how I would buy my Caribbean Chain since it is 2 billion and the cap is 1.75 billion. Do I need yo come up with 250 million in a day?

ANSWER: @ July 27th, 2007 11:46 AM
Captain Skeet said:
By putting money in the guild bank you are giving yourself an opportunity to gain interest again on your account because you'll be below the interest cap once again. That is abusing the system.

When you hit 1.75 billion your interest doesn't exist anymore. You'd have to make 250 million to buy your 2 billion dollar item. It wouldn't have to be in a day either, you'd just need to make it.

QUESTION: @ July 27th, 2007 2:57 PM
Originally I was going to place this at the end, but I though after writing this that I better let you know that I mean no harm or show anger, I'm just simply trying to understand your logic and raise some possible questions. I want to make sure that I play within the realm of the admins discretion since like D&D when you're the GM...your word is law, and that's the way it is because it is. :p

I now see that you want to absolutely cap the earnings at 1.75 billion per person, no matter how they go about doing that. So as long as I spend the money and don't expect that money back, then that is ok, otherwise what point is the guild bank?

What I'm curious about is this. If I have the 1.75 billion and I want to give my 70 million to the guild bank and have no intention of taking it back, then that is considered ok? From what I gather, if I put the 70 million in with the intent to take it out that's breaking your system because I'll be gaining interest above and beyond my capped limit. However, if I make 70 million in interest and give it to the guild bank to be distributed via a mass payout, then that is ok because I'm not doing it for my own gain, but for the gain of my gang?

If this is not the case, then I'm curious as to what the point of the guild bank is? My reason for saying that is this. What is the difference between me having my cap of 1.75 billion and giving the interest it away, then if I had 1 million and gave away that interest? Is it simply a matter that there is a huge difference in cash value? I thought that the point of a guild vault was for the gang to be able to place money into for distribution amongst all the members. The fact that the interest earned on either sum should not be really be a factor since both are using the system to save their interest, right?

Basically I guess what I'm wondering is that if you are trying to limit the distribution of funds so that no one can be quickly "twinked" and rush the game, would be to possibly limit the amount of funds that can be deposited into the guild vault and sent. Perhaps allow people to send bank wire transfers to players but cap the amount that can be transfered per person per day, and then cap how much someone could put in the guild vault per day. This way I could give my guild 5 mil a day, but I'd have to spend the other 65 million on points from the market, awake potions, consumables, etc, otherwise I'd not get my interest the next day.

I guess I could get into further discussions and ideas, but I'm sure you've got several thousand people offering you suggestions as well. I'm just trying to figure out how I can maximise my potential while not doing something that would cause you grief, that would in turn get me banned. With that said I apologize about the depth and complexity of the questions, but I don't want to throw away what I've spent to enhance my gaming on a technicality that I didn't know about. :)

ANSWER: @ July 27th, 2007 3:03 PM
Captain Skeet said:
The money you can store in the bank can exceed 1.75 billion, you just don't earn anything in interest. As for storing it in the guild bank, there's no issue with doing such, but some people would put 750k in the bank, gain more interest on their 1 billion, store more in the bank, and rinse and repeat until they're rich. We don't really monitor those kind of activities unless they're brought up to us because they're hard to follow or trace in logs.

And I think you're still confused about the interest. Just because you're at 1.75 billion doesn't mean you have to spend anything to get interest the next day, you can keep it, and not spend it, but you just won't gain anything from the bank. The idea is to limit the economy and up market values. This keeps players from becoming excessively rich, which makes them excessively powerful. Also, it limits how fast the game plays over time, which is what we're looking for.

All I can say is use your discretion.

QUESTION: @ July 27th, 2007 3:24 PM
No no no, I do understand that you can have more then 1.75 billion in your bank, you just don't gain 70 million in interest a day. Now, I know I'm young and only level 19 but how else in the world would you get 70 million a day unless you were going on the market, buying lots of items for high prices and mugging someone into extinction to get what you bought it for back, plus the items?

I don't know how your cash market works or even looks, and from what I've read on the forums I take it that there was a problem. I mean if you saved your money and pooled with people you could theoretically get a Caribbean Chain a day and that would make one guild super over powered.

I guess what it comes down to is what am I able to spend my 70 million dollar a day interest on without getting in trouble? Can I buy items for my guild bank so that I can loan them out to whoever is in my guild? Or can I only buy items for me? Is there a set limit that I should say I can give away? Meaning I can give away 10 million a day so that by the end of the week I can then gain 70 million interest?

The only reason that I'm kind of frustrated by all of this is that I spent money to become a RP so that I could get my 4% interest. I then went on and bought 100 Awake potions so that I could sell them to attain my 1.75 billion so I could buy my Caribbean Chain and then help support my friends. I'm now faced with the situation of getting 0% of my 4% and kind of disappointed that I spent $37.50 to get to that number only to find out I can't do anything that I thought I could do.

Once again, I don't know the server situation like all of you admins do, so I don't know what troubles you face in keeping the game balanced so that people continue to play and have fun. I'm just trying to figure out my options. :)

I guess I better start posting suggestions in your forums for how to deflate the economy. ;)

ANSWER: @ July 29th, 2007 8:18 PM
Captain Skeet said:
The economy is a blistering pain to balance: You have no idea. As for the transactions, seriously, just don't make tons and tons of transactions of large sums to the same person over and over and we're not going to care.

QUESTION: @ July 29th, 2007 10:26 PM
Cool cool!

Thanks Captain Skeet!

Good luck with all the game balance and I'll try to offer up what thoughts I can in the forums. :)