Dream Again 2006

Reviews of events!
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Obviously the Site Admin
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Joined: Mon Sep 05, 2005 6:20 pm
MySpace ID: djobvious25
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Crew's Name: WhaddupNow.com
Location: All over California

Dream Again 2006

Post by Obvious »

Dream Again 2006 Pictures

Hey everyone, sorry I didn't get these pictures up last night. I ended up getting into a car accident after visiting Sparrow. I'm ok, and my car didn't take much damage (least I hope not). I came home after it was done and after making sure I didn't have a concussion went to bed. Any who, on to the review...

We started the day off by hanging out with Sparrow since he's recently come out of the hospital for his back surgery. Flutterby, Trooper, and I were all hanging out till around 7:00 PM when Baby Jesus called and let us know we could come over since he had the truck to drive up. We went to his house and headed off for Dream Again. The funny part is that it was the first time for everyone in the car to head out to Raver Ranch except me, however the last time I went was with Sparrow and I didn't pay attention to directions! So I jumped on the P.L.U.R.R. line and phoned Groove. He helped me out with directions on how to get there and we went.

We got to Raver Ranch around 10:30 PM and on our way to the restrooms we bumped into Noon and Froggy. The best part about this is I saw the shirt he was wearing and I got the biggest grin on my face and took the first picture of the night. Noon and Froggy had created a tribute to Sparrow shirt! It was totally awesome! What it was is a shirt that had a Sparrow on it, with Dream Again at the bottom, and Noon was going around showing people a picture asking if they knew Sparrow and wanted to write him a note since this was to end up being a gift to Sparrow! Throughout the party Noon and Froggy would walk around talking to everyone asking if they knew Sparrow and the most awesome part was is that most everyone DID know Sparrow! Wee, that's P.L.U.R.R.ific! At the end of Dream Again the shirt was completely filled up with text and love.

Now rewind back to 11:00 PM. I bumped into Badger around the restrooms and gave him his special kandy that I made for him. It was totally fun and he totally dug it. :) After that I spent most of my time walking around, taking pictures, and introducing myself since I now have a hat that people can identify Obvious. Same as people can identify Sparrow by his yellow smiley hat, Noon with his Cat in the Hat hat, Royal with his Nightmare before Christmas hat, and anyone else that I can't think of right now that wears cool hats! Since I've taken pictures as Gambit, I think the hat works well with my personality and my name. :)

Around 12:30 PM I can't remember if it was Flutterby, Froggy, or both, but someone of my crew came up and let me know that Feverdream was spinning. I headed on down to the chill area and went down to listen to some awesome music. When I got there I took out the special kandy I made for Feverdream and gave it to him. He was totally stoked about it smiled and went back to spinning. It really is fun seeing people you've made something for really appreciate it. Good times all around. For most of the night the WhaddupNow crew spent their time down with Feverdream since he ended up playing a 5 hour long set. The best part of it was at the end when he signed Sparrow's shirt, he dedicated it to Sparrow. How freaking awesome is that!? Sparrow's favorite DJ gave tribute of the 5 hour set to him? Can the night get any better?

Actually yes, the whole night long the crew did everything they could to spread the P.L.U.R.R.ness of Sparrow all night long. Any typical normal thing that Sparrow did at a party, we all tried to mimic to keep the spirit of him there, and whether it was true or not, at the end of Dream Again we felt that the sub vibe of the party was Sparrow.

The whole party was great, serious mad props to everyone in the One World One Dance crew and everyone in the Underground Sound crew! It was one hell of a party. The main stage was set up to impress. I loved the laser light shows in the trees. The glow booths set up were totally awesome, definitely nice to have if anyone forgot anything. The chill area with the streamers in the tent was fun. The DnB area was set up in an awesome spot like it was for Return. None of the music really clashed with one another. I loved hanging out with all the crew in their crew area under the trees at the entrance. All in all bomb ass party. I don't think I ever felt any bad vibes, it was all good.

After the party we all went over to see Sparrow and give him his special P.L.U.R.R.ific present. He was totally shocked and in awe over what Noon and Froggy did and thanked us for helping out. I think he was almost ready to cry for being so happy. It was really really awesome seeing him smile since he doesn't do it much because of the meds he's on and the pain he's in.

All in all, looking back on it, the only thing I wish had happened was that I took more pictures. One of these days we'll try and equip the crew with some cameras so we can double, triple, or if lucky quadruple the chances of taking everyone's pictures. Also, please feel free to walk up and ask to have your picture taken. I have no problem and love it when people come up to me that I don't know, say hello, introduce each other, and snap a few pictures away to keep the memories. Hope everyone had a wonderfully P.L.U.R.R.astic time, and we'll see you at the next party: Neo Sapiens presents Space Opera!
WhaddupNow No0bie!
Posts: 8
Joined: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:09 pm

Post by Famously_Unknown2006 »

That event waz off the HOOK!! Really sucks though I sold a car in the same night and I had to wait till I was done. I didn't get there till 11PM!!!
Xuanmeista Entrepreneggroll
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