Together as One 2005 Pictures
My first impression of Together as One was shock. I knew the lines were going to be long, but I didn't expect the VIP lines to be long. In fact what's funny is the two people in front of us had a friend that went in with a normal ticket and was able to get inside a good half-hour before us!
Once inside we walked down a hill and found the Port-a-potty toilets, AKA "The Executive Suites." I was curious if these were the only bathrooms for the event and to avoid lines later the guys and I held our breath and plunged in; a few minutes later after walking inside we found restrooms galore.
Hey...least we only had to pee!
From arrival to midnight all I really did was get comfortable with the scene and tried to find out where everything was snapping pictures along the way. About 30 minutes before midnight I got a few vodka and monsters down in me and started to feel the buzz. Midnight came and went, and my first kiss of the New Year was from my friend’s girlfriend.
Once the ball dropped I pretty much flowed out into the crowd picture clicking as much as I could. The vibe was awesome, the people were cool, and the music kicked ass! I don't really remember much from midnight to 3:00 AM. It was all kind of a fun filled exciting blur. From 3:00 AM till close was wrapping up. I made sure I got pictures of all 3 stages. Checked out the balcony, and met some pretty cool people.
All in all the event totally kicked ass and I am so looking forward to going next year! I wish I could have attended the after party but I thought there was going to be an after party back home. Oh la vie.
Hope everyone had a wonderful evening, I hope you all enjoy the pictures, and don't be afraid to say hello if you see me. I promise…I don't bite.
[size=150][url=]Together as One 2005 Pictures[/url][/size]
My first impression of Together as One was shock. I knew the lines were going to be long, but I didn't expect the VIP lines to be long. In fact what's funny is the two people in front of us had a friend that went in with a normal ticket and was able to get inside a good half-hour before us!
Once inside we walked down a hill and found the Port-a-potty toilets, AKA "The Executive Suites." I was curious if these were the only bathrooms for the event and to avoid lines later the guys and I held our breath and plunged in; a few minutes later after walking inside we found restrooms galore. :p Hey...least we only had to pee!
From arrival to midnight all I really did was get comfortable with the scene and tried to find out where everything was snapping pictures along the way. About 30 minutes before midnight I got a few vodka and monsters down in me and started to feel the buzz. Midnight came and went, and my first kiss of the New Year was from my friend’s girlfriend. :p
Once the ball dropped I pretty much flowed out into the crowd picture clicking as much as I could. The vibe was awesome, the people were cool, and the music kicked ass! I don't really remember much from midnight to 3:00 AM. It was all kind of a fun filled exciting blur. From 3:00 AM till close was wrapping up. I made sure I got pictures of all 3 stages. Checked out the balcony, and met some pretty cool people.
All in all the event totally kicked ass and I am so looking forward to going next year! I wish I could have attended the after party but I thought there was going to be an after party back home. Oh la vie.
Hope everyone had a wonderful evening, I hope you all enjoy the pictures, and don't be afraid to say hello if you see me. I promise…I don't bite. :)