How Sweet It Is 2006 Pictures
How Sweet it was because I had a total blast!
Several friends and I headed up to How Sweet It Is in two cars, Swee-tee, Freckles, and Melissa, in one car, and Xuan, Jorge, Adam, Tiffany, and myself in another. The drive up was kind of crazy since I almost got into a severe accident. I don't mind people talking on cell phones while driving so long as they are SAFE about it. This person blatantly wasn't paying attention and without any turn indicators merged into my lane that I was over 50% in. I had to seriously weave back into my old lane to not crash. It was no bueno, I was shaken for most of the drive up.
Once there we saw parking going for $20. Who in their right mind put that up. That's some seriously crazy parking fees! Luckily we had a alternate option and took that instead. We got in line to pick up our tickets when who happens to come over and ask me if I was "WhaddupNow" but Teddy from the MySpace Delusionz group! This was pretty cool since I had never met him in person but have been 5 feet away from one another and never knew it. I'm just bummed I didn't get a picture when I did because I never saw him the rest of the night.
Once we got the tickets we waited in a crowd to get in. The reason I say crowd rather then line is because a line had order, and this didn't! Basically if you wanted to get in you had to bypass the people that were just chilling in the area, and move towards the front. I didn't find this out till about 30 minutes of standing in the crowd to get in, but once I figured it out I was at the security check within 10 minutes.
Once I had passed through the metal baton, I was getting padded down by another security guy when this crazy guy walks by and said something like "Yo WhaddupNow!" An who of all the cool there people could it be but Tigger! We walked in to HSII together but something was off...he didn't have his camera with him. Apparently some security guard said that video cameras were not allowed, so Tigger said it was a professional still camera, and the guard whined that they didn't allow professional cameras either...right. Oh well, as Tigger said, "Hey, now I get to party!" Ha ha ha ha, uber.
The night went off well, the house music was awesome, and the DnB room was off the hook. The two girls that were there were pretty darn impressive. Actually, almost everyone in the DnB room was pretty darn good. The house area had some slow points, but overall was pretty darn cool.
Later in the night I had a surprise to find out that my one of my rave fathers was coming out to hang. It's always good times when he comes out since he doesn't get to come much anymore. We kicked it for a while as I gave them the tour of the place, but I shot off to continue my hunt for pictures.
Eventually the night came to a close around 4:00 AM and everyone headed home. Swee-tee, Freckles, and Melissa had left a bit earlier while everyone in my car ended up chilling at Adam's house for a movie after-party. All in all it was a bomb-digiddy cool night. I did have some fears about it since I've heard so many complaints about last years HSII, but this years was pretty cool if you ask me. Granted it wasn't packed full, which is definitely fun and that's why I like massives, but it was kind of nice to have some space to spread out in if people wanted it. I hope everyone that went had fun, and hope to see you all at the next event!