A Happeee Place Pictures
Here are my Birthday shout outs!
Schwez! (November 13th)
Famously Unknown (November 15th)
Thee-O! (November 16th)
Obvious! (November 16th) [If I wish myself a Happy Birthday...will I go blind? ]
Smokey! (November 17th)
Wow! What a long, fun and exciting night! Schwez and I made our way up to A Happeee Place leaving at 5:45 PM and didn't get up to the party until 7:30 PM! We got inside and I looked for Smiley so we could set up and take pictures of all the Go Go Dancers before the party started, but Smiley was having trouble with the traffic too and didn't get in till around 8:00 PM. Ech0 and Scissor were chilling inside, while Jojo, Boing, Miss X-Mas, Sara and Bleach were chilling outside. Stellar, who was fully decked out in raver gear was zipping back and fourth trying to make sure the VIP area was set up and taken care of though she stopped working for a moment to go to Paris with X-Mas and I.
Izzy and Anthera were both running around, obviously stressed to make sure everything was running perfectly, but stopped for a quick picture before returning to their setup. I walked around talking to Rob Bass, and the other people on the main stage, discussing some thoughts about recording each event and hosting the mixes for everyone to enjoy even after the party is over. You just never know when someone's going to pull off an amazing life changing set and if you don't record it it's gone only to be remembered by the goody goodness it left in your brain. The stage was set up in a way that I had never really seen before that I later realized was set up for the Go Go Dancers to have set places to dance on. The glowing smiley faces, along with all the lasers and lights, made the main stage look extra awesome! I wandered around for a bit checking out everyone finish setup before I walked outside.
I believe it was around 8:45 PM when everything was cleared and the doors were able to open. To celebrate the opening, a passing train blew its whistle and all the ravers hollered in glee! (Ok, so the train really didn't do that for us, but it was cool timing none the less! ) Pink Panther was manning the front door guest list and VIP list so he was quite busy thumbing through the pages trying to find names on list, I waved and said hello but let him get back to getting people in. Tink came in and gave me a hug in her cute yellow and black outfit (I still need some gray tape if you happen to find any about 1" x 2" long. ) I walked outside and saw Nemo chilling waiting for the party to fill as Fresh came in and gave me a hug. Right after that Space Puppy came in and gave me a hug and I snapped a few photos and made my way back inside.
Once back inside I took several photos of people stringing and of the Go Go Dancers dancing. The DJ was laying down some nice tunes to get everyone into the party mood and set the tone for the night when I decided to head back outside to see what was going on. I ran into Gypsy, Hello Kittie, Forgot, Beeker, Trails, Creature, and KittE all meeting and greeting everyone happy to be there and ready to party! I headed back inside and Saw Ricky from Before U Roll setting up his booth and got a picture of him and Dariel before scanning the party for more people. I made my way through the DnB area and headed back into the Hardcore room to see Sqeak vs Freak having a good time drawing a crowd.
=== WRITING MORE! Was fixing server. ===