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How do I find new pictures?

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:36 pm
by Obvious
So, you're wondering when the new pictures will be up and where to go to find them? Simple! Any time a party has happened there are several ways to find out that the pictures are up:
  1. The simple and easiest way is to visit the galleries directly! Though this may be the simplest way to find the pictures, it is not time effective as you would have to sit there and refresh each hour to see if anything new was put up. This increases server load and is a waste of your time, so a much better way is...
  2. To add our MySpace Application Events This will not only give you a list of recent parties that we've taken pictures at, but it will give you a list of upcoming events that we know about! Make sure you allow the application to reside on your home page so that every time you check your MySpace you'll be able to see it quickly in your right application column!
  3. MySpace Bulletin / PLURlife Bulletin - As soon as the pictures are all done and ready to be seen by the world the second place that gets notified is through a MySpace / PLURlife bulletin. Now, if you have a problem with getting over 25 pages of bulletins every four hours you might find that you miss it; simple! Use the link above to check out WhaddupNow's recent bulletins. You can even book mark it so you can check it on your own later without having to come back here!
  4. Ravers 411 Mailing List - As soon as the bulletins have gone out the very next thing that is done is to send out a mailing to everyone on the list. The same thing that is posted in the bulletins, but is sent out with this e-mail. The benefit of this is that if you have the same problem with too many bulletins and not wanting to search through everything this is the way to go as it will show up as an e-mail letting you know they are up. It's simple and if you set it up right it will let you know within the hour of the pictures going up that they are up on your phone as a text!
So there, now you have it. More ways for you to find out when the pictures are up and ready for your viewing pleasure!