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Site Failures / Connection Problems / etc.

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:18 am
by Obvious
Many people have been asking why the website has been down and why there have been so many problems lately. Ever since A Happeee Place my hosting company put a limitation on how many people can connect and how many connections each person is allowed. This is because my site received more traffic then is allowed on a shared hosting server. To put it short I crashed the server several times and since there are other people paying them to host their sites on the same machine my hosting provider needed to limit my site.

I have worked with the hosting company and they have increased the amount of connections and simultaneous connections but it is still limited in what it used to be. I have contacted several other hosting providers and the bottom line comes down to upgrading to a VPS (Virtual Private Server) or fully switching over to a Dedicated Server. I am working on setting up the VPS but it's going to take time, as I am on a waiting list, and it's going to take money.

So what this means is, yes, we are aware that there are server problems. We know you see a white page that says there is a server problem, or sometimes the page starts loading but doesn't fully load. We are aware of these problems and don't like them as much as you since it blocks us just the same as it blocks you and that makes it a pain to try and program new features on any days but Thursday and Friday. We're doing our best to fix and fine tune the server with what resources we have and what time we can donate. As much as I would like it, WhaddupNow doesn't bring me in any income to keep itself self sustaining. We are working on a way to fix that as well, but here is how you can help out if you are so inclined to help out a site that has brought you many fun party pictures. - How You Can Help Out!

Thanks again for all your visitor support! Without all of you we wouldn't exist! :D