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Together as One 2005

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 1:05 pm
by Obvious
Together as One 2005 Pictures

My first impression of Together as One was shock. I knew the lines were going to be long, but I didn't expect the VIP lines to be long. In fact what's funny is the two people in front of us had a friend that went in with a normal ticket and was able to get inside a good half-hour before us!

Once inside we walked down a hill and found the Port-a-potty toilets, AKA "The Executive Suites." I was curious if these were the only bathrooms for the event and to avoid lines later the guys and I held our breath and plunged in; a few minutes later after walking inside we found restrooms galore. :p Hey...least we only had to pee!

From arrival to midnight all I really did was get comfortable with the scene and tried to find out where everything was snapping pictures along the way. About 30 minutes before midnight I got a few vodka and monsters down in me and started to feel the buzz. Midnight came and went, and my first kiss of the New Year was from my friend’s girlfriend. :p

Once the ball dropped I pretty much flowed out into the crowd picture clicking as much as I could. The vibe was awesome, the people were cool, and the music kicked ass! I don't really remember much from midnight to 3:00 AM. It was all kind of a fun filled exciting blur. From 3:00 AM till close was wrapping up. I made sure I got pictures of all 3 stages. Checked out the balcony, and met some pretty cool people.

All in all the event totally kicked ass and I am so looking forward to going next year! I wish I could have attended the after party but I thought there was going to be an after party back home. Oh la vie.

Hope everyone had a wonderful evening, I hope you all enjoy the pictures, and don't be afraid to say hello if you see me. I promise…I don't bite. :)